Global Cord Blood is a company that provides Cord blood and more. Global Cord Blood is headquartered in Hong Kong Hong Kong Island. Global Cord Blood was founded in 2003.
China Cord Blood Corporation (CCBC) is a provider of cord blood storage services in China. The Company is engaged in the provision of umbilical cord blood...
What is Global Cord Blood's official website?
Global Cord Blood's official website is
Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris SACase Western Reserve UniversityCedars-Sinai Medical CenterUniversity of MiamiUniversity of BristolGeron Corp.Nanjing Drum Tower HospitalJCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.The J. David Gladstone InstitutesViaCyte, Inc.Universitt RostockFondazione TelethonNational University of Ireland GalwayUniversity of FlorenceHong Kong Baptist UniversityOsiris Therapeutics, Inc.Reliance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd.University of OregonRigshospitaletUniversitt UlmFUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics, Inc.University of Massachusetts LowellAugusta University Research InstituteR Bio Co., Ltd.MEDIPOST Co., Ltd.Gamida Cell Ltd.AlloSourceTiGenix NVLineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc.ES Cell International Pte Ltd.