What technical fields has Hanjin P&C researched?
Hanjin P&C has researched the technical fields related to MicroservicesPackaging engineeringThin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display
What is Hanjin P&C's total number of patents?
Hanjin P&C has 2 patents in total.
How many employees does Hanjin P&C have globally?
What kind of company is Hanjin P&C?
Manufactures plastic Films, sheets and plates...
What is Hanjin P&C's stock symbol?
Where is Hanjin P&C's headquarters?
What is Hanjin P&C's NAICS code?
Who are Hanjin P&C key executives?
Hanjin P&C's key executives are
Jeom-Geun Cho, Han-Sung Lee and Ju-Kyo Kim.