What technical fields has Koc Holding researched?
Koc Holding has researched the technical fields related to SeasoningHerbSpice
What is Koc Holding's total number of patents?
Koc Holding has 5 patents in total.
How many employees does Koc Holding have globally?
What kind of company is Koc Holding?
Koç Group is one of Turkey's largest industrial and services groups in terms of revenues, exports, research and development investments, patent portfolio,...
What is Koc Holding's official website?
Koc Holding's official website is
What is Koc Holding's stock symbol?
Where is Koc Holding's headquarters?
What is Koc Holding's NAICS code?
Who are Koc Holding key executives?
Koc Holding's key executives are
Levent Çakiroglu, Rahmi Mustafa Koç and Ömer Mehmet Koç.