What technical fields has OC Oerlikon researched?
OC Oerlikon has researched the technical fields related to Coating
How many employees does OC Oerlikon have globally?
What kind of company is OC Oerlikon?
The Oerlikon Group has been present in India since the year 1984, operating through four major Segments namely Surface Solutions, Manmade Fibers, Drive...
What is OC Oerlikon's official website?
OC Oerlikon's official website is
What is OC Oerlikon's stock symbol?
Where is OC Oerlikon's headquarters?
What is OC Oerlikon's NAICS code?
Who are OC Oerlikon key executives?
OC Oerlikon's key executives are
Roland Fischer, Jürg Fedier and Georg Stausberg.