OeNB is a company that provides Economic policy, Decision-making, Microeconomics and more. OeNB is headquartered in Austria Wien. OeNB was founded in 1816. OeNB has a total of 44 patents and 44 literature
OeNB is in the industry of:Commercial Banking Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors Monetary Authorities-Central Bank
What technical fields has OeNB researched?
OeNB has researched the technical fields related toEconomic policyDecision-makingMicroeconomicsFinancial economicsFinancial systemInternational economicsCredit riskLabour economicsCredit channelMonetary hegemonyInflation targetingVolatility (finance)Volatility smileImplied volatilityMacroeconomicsBalance sheetMonetary economicsFiscal policyPotential outputSkewness
The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) is the central bank of Austria and, as such, an integral part of both the European System of Central Banks (ESCB)...