What is RABA Magyar Vagon's industry?
RABA Magyar Vagon is in the industry of: Jewelry and Silverware ManufacturingAutomobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle ManufacturingMaterial Handling Equipment ManufacturingHeavy Duty Truck ManufacturingPlastics Bottle ManufacturingNonferrous Metal FoundriesIron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased SteelIron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy ManufacturingPlastics Pipe, Pipe Fitting, and Unlaminated Profile Shape ManufacturingIron Ore MiningElectric Lamp Bulb and Part ManufacturingCopper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and AlloyingNewspaper Publishers
What is RABA Magyar Vagon's total number of patents?
RABA Magyar Vagon has 4 patents in total.
What kind of company is RABA Magyar Vagon?
Manufactures trucks and parts...
Where is RABA Magyar Vagon's headquarters?