What technical fields has SNGN Romgaz researched?
SNGN Romgaz has researched the technical fields related to Natural gas
What is SNGN Romgaz's total number of patents?
SNGN Romgaz has 1 patents in total.
How many employees does SNGN Romgaz have globally?
What kind of company is SNGN Romgaz?
ROMGAZ core business segments are: gas exploration and production, gas supply, gas storage, electricity production and supply. The company carries out...
What is SNGN Romgaz's official website?
SNGN Romgaz's official website is
What is SNGN Romgaz's stock symbol?
Where is SNGN Romgaz's headquarters?
What is SNGN Romgaz's NAICS code?
Who are SNGN Romgaz key executives?
SNGN Romgaz's key executives are
Adrian Constantin Volintiru, Stan-Olteanu Manuela-Petronela and Dan Dragos Dragan.