With the analysis among 17,554 patents, we discovered top 459 key players by total patent application. Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc., NuFlare Technology, Inc., Hitachi Ltd. are dominant in this area. They take 34.04% of the total patent filing.
Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc.
Illinois, United States
Patent: 2,956
Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Patent: 1,658
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 1,362
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 1,046
Drenthe, Netherlands
Patent: 921
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 859
Tennessee, United States
Patent: 792
Chiba-ken, Japan
Patent: 409
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 409
With the analysis among 97 patents, we discovered top 10 start-ups by total patent application. National Institutes for Quantum & Radiological Science & Tech, KIOXIA Corp., B dot Medical, Inc. are active in this area.
Chiba-ken, Japan
Patent: 32
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 29
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 23
Aargau, Switzerland
Patent: 4
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 2
Fukushima-ken, Japan
Patent: 1
Minnesota, United States
Patent: 1
With the analysis among related 3,500 patents applied in the last 5 years. We discover 183 most active companies in this area. The fast-growing Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc., ASML Netherlands BV, NuFlare Technology, Inc. take 48.40% of patent filing during this period.
Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc.
Illinois, United States
Patent: 671
Drenthe, Netherlands
Patent: 569
Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Patent: 454
Tennessee, United States
Patent: 240
Chiba-ken, Japan
Patent: 170
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 150
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 96
Fujian Sheng, China
Patent: 87
With the analysis among related 3,500 patents in last 5 years, we discover 85 new entrants. Neuboron Therapy System Ltd, B dot Medical, Inc., Shanghai Precision Measurement Semiconductor Technology, Inc. are the most active new entrants in this area.
Fujian Sheng, China
Patent: 87
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 23
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 12
California, United States
Patent: 9
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 7
Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu, China
Patent: 7
Genève, Switzerland
Patent: 7
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 5
With the analysis among 719 patents, we discovered top 66 universities and scientific research institutions by total patent application. Delft University of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hokkaido University are dominant in this area. They take 19.47% of the total patent filing.
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Patent: 56
Massachusetts, United States
Patent: 19
Hokkaido, Japan
Patent: 16
Gansu Sheng, China
Patent: 16
Antwerpen, Belgium
Patent: 15
Washington, United States
Patent: 11
Jiangsu Sheng, China
Patent: 8