With the analysis among 324 patents, we discovered top 125 key players by total patent application. JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., DENTSPLY International, Inc., Teijin Ltd. are dominant in this area. They take 14.51% of the total patent filing.
Hokkaido, Japan
Patent: 20
Pennsylvania, United States
Patent: 15
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 12
California, United States
Patent: 9
Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Patent: 9
Arizona, United States
Patent: 9
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 8
With the analysis among 15 patents, we discovered top 3 start-ups by total patent application.
Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Patent: 9
Vaud, Switzerland
Patent: 1
With the analysis among related 536 patents applied in the last 5 years. We discover 201 most active companies in this area. The fast-growing JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Septodont Ou Septodont SAS Ou Specialites Septodont, Teijin Ltd. take 8.21% of patent filing during this period.
Hokkaido, Japan
Patent: 20
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 12
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 12
Pennsylvania, United States
Patent: 10
Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Patent: 8
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 8
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 8
Centre National De La Recherche Scientif
With the analysis among related 536 patents in last 5 years, we discover 183 new entrants. JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Septodont Ou Septodont SAS Ou Specialites Septodont, Teijin Ltd. are the most active new entrants in this area.
Hokkaido, Japan
Patent: 20
Tokyo-to, Japan
Patent: 12
Beijing Shi, China
Patent: 8
Shanghai Shi, China
Patent: 8
Centre National De La Recherche Scientif
undefined undefined
Patent: 6
With the analysis among 161 patents, we discovered top 47 universities and scientific research institutions by total patent application. Sichuan University, Université d'Aix-Marseille, Sorbonne Université are dominant in this area. They take 19.88% of the total patent filing.
Sichuan Sheng, China
Patent: 14
Zhejiang Sheng, China
Patent: 4
Karnataka, India
Patent: 3
Guangdong Sheng, China
Patent: 2
Hunan Sheng, China
Patent: 2