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Weyerhaeuser Co.MillerKnoll, Inc.FRITZ EGGER GmbH & Co. OGGeorgia-Pacific LLCAshley Home Stores LTDShaw Industries Group, Inc.Svenska Cellulosa AB SCADehua TB New Decoration Material Co., Ltd.JELD-WEN, Inc.Boise Cascade Co.Louisiana-Pacific Corp.Pella Corp.Küberit Profile Systems GmbH & Co. KGBeaulieu International Group NVBeaulieu International Group NVPower Dekor Group Co. Ltd.Masonite International Corp.Barlinek SAMenard, Inc.VD-Werkstätten GmbH & Co. KGMohawk Industries, Inc.F. Junckers Industrier A/SFinanciera Maderera SAHNI Corp.Keding Enterprises Co., Ltd.Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc.David R. Webb Co., Inc.Hyne & Son Pty Ltd.Norbord, Inc.ECMD, Inc.
Toray Industries, Inc.Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.Dow Global Technologies LLCSouth China University of TechnologyTeijin Ltd.Hitachi Metals, Ltd.Proterial Ltd.Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityDIC CorporationZhejiang University of TechnologyHarbin Institute of TechnologyUBE Corp.Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.Beihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyTongji UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchBeijing Institute of TechnologyChery Automobile Co., Ltd.Minolta Co., Ltd.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityKorea Institute of Science & TechnologyFuzhou UniversityNippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd.Harbin University of Science & TechnologyChina Jiliang UniversitySouthwest Petroleum University
South China University of TechnologyShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyHuazhong University of Science & TechnologyXi'an Jiaotong UniversityKorea Advanced Institute of Science & TechnologyBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityAmorepacific Corp.Tongji UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchBeijing Institute of TechnologyTosoh Corp.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityKorea Institute of Science & TechnologyFuzhou UniversityChina University of Petroleum (East China)Harbin University of Science & TechnologyChina University of Petroleum (East China)University of TokyoWisconsin Alumni Research FoundationChina Jiliang UniversityDalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesSouthwest Petroleum UniversityNanjing University
South China University of TechnologySoutheast UniversityShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of ChinaBeihang UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyTongji UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyNanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversitySouthwest Jiaotong UniversityHarbin University of Science & TechnologyHangzhou Dianzi UniversitySouthwest Petroleum UniversityNanjing UniversityNational University of Defense TechnologyNanjing University of Posts & TelecommunicationsBeijing University of Posts & TelecommunicationsUniversity Of JinanGuilin University of Electronic TechnologyQingdao University of Science & TechnologyXi'an University of Science & TechnologyWuhan University of Science & TechnologyHenan University of Science & TechnologyShenyang Jianzhu UniversityDongguan University of TechnologyZhejiang Normal UniversityXi'an Polytechnic UniversityShanghai Maritime University
Tongji UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityGuilin University of Electronic TechnologyZhejiang Normal UniversityXiamen University of TechnologyShandong Normal UniversityZhejiang Gongshang UniversitySuzhou University of Science & TechnologyChangshu Institute of TechnologyHangzhou Normal UniversityNorthwest Normal UniversityShijiazhuang Tiedao UniversityUniversity of BeihuaShanghai Normal UniversityHunan Institute of EngineeringHarbin Normal UniversityChongqing Technology & Business UniversityCentral China Normal UniversityBaoji University of Arts & SciencesChangsha University ofCity University of Hong KongHengyang Normal UniversityHunan Institute of Science & TechnologyZhejiang University of Finance & EconomicsInner Mongolia Normal UniversityXinjiang Normal UniversityYunnan University of Finance & EconomicsGuangdong University of Finance & EconomicsShandong University of Finance & Economics
University of TokyoDalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesCalifornia Institute of TechnologyMax Planck Gesellschaft zur Frderung der Wissenschaften eVForschungszentrum Jülich GmbHLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1Karlsruher Institut für TechnologieThe Curators of the University of MissouriUniversité Pierre et Marie CurieNorthwest Normal UniversityUniversité Toulouse III - Paul SabatierThe University of LiverpoolUniversité Libre de BruxellesEcole PolytechniqueNiigata UniversityTechnische Universitt WienSaitama UniversityUniversity of ToyamaTechnische Universitt DarmstadtThe Johannes Gutenberg University of MainzUniversity of WarsawTokyo Metropolitan UniversityNational Institute of Standards & TechnologyPrinceton UniversityUniversité des Sciences et Technologies de LilleInstituto Superior Técnico de LisboaThe University of Nevada, RenoUtsunomiya UniversityFreie Universitt Berlin
South China University of TechnologyZhejiang University of TechnologyXi'an Jiaotong UniversityKunming University of Science & TechnologyDalian University of TechnologyWuhan UniversityTongji UniversityCouncil of Scientific & Industrial ResearchBeijing Institute of TechnologyTosoh Corp.Nanjing Forestry UniversityZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityKorea Institute of Science & TechnologyFuzhou UniversityChina University of Petroleum (East China)China University of Petroleum (East China)University of TokyoChina Jiliang UniversityDalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesSouthwest Petroleum UniversityNanjing UniversityEast China University of Science & TechnologyUniversity Of JinanTaiyuan University of TechnologyConsejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasForschungszentrum Jülich GmbHGuilin University of Electronic TechnologySouth China Agricultural UniversityQingdao University of Science & TechnologyXi'an University of Science & Technology