The business of Riboxx consists of two distinct product lines: LIFE SCIENCES and PHARMA.
Riboxx LIFE SCIENCES develops customized and tailor-made molecular tools for gene silencing in vitro and in vivo through RNA interference: small interfering RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNA). RNA interference is a new technology broadly used in life science. With the help of RNA interference, genotype-phenotype correlation studies as well as identification of gene expression patterns are possible.
The core expertise of Riboxx LIFE SCIENCES is RNA synthesis and analytics. The direct applications of this technology are in the field of RNA interference, more precisely in vivo. Here, Riboxx has developed innovative molecular tools for gene silencing in vivo such as the IVORI® siRNA, the CONTRAmir® and CONmir®. The Riboxx RNAi-technology is robust, easy-to-use and reliable.
Riboxx PHARMA has developed two families of TLR & RLR agonists with indications in the fields of oncology, virus infections and autoimmune disorders.
The development pipeline at Riboxx comprises:
- RIBOXXIM® compounds, for treatment of cancer or virus infections
- RIBOXXON® compounds, for treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases
RIBOXXIM® and RIBOXXON® include more than 20 proprietary Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) that possess unique properties as to potency, analytical purity, bioavailability, and safety.