Engage. Reward. Delight.
For millions of users, Shopkick helps consumers connect and engage with the brands, products, and experiences everyday in a rewarding and delightful manner. Here at Shopkick, we work to transcend the consumers’ physical and digital day by creating a personalized experience which rewards behavior and drives incrementality for our partners.
For brands and retailers, Shopkick provides high consumer engagement along the entire path to purchase. Some of our leading brand and retail partners include Best Buy, Clorox, GSK, Georgia Pacific, Nestle, TJ Maxx and Unilever, amongst many others. Shopkicks’ mission is to create a seamless experience through every channel or device. The outcome? Shopping experiences are now engaging, rewarding, and delightful while simultaneously providing our brand and retail clients with innovative, impactful targeting capabilities and data insights.
Shopkick creates a unique and fun shopping experience which is fueled by “kicks” (Shopkicks’ own currency). Shoppers are rewarded with kicks in a multitude of ways; from the comfort of their home, browsing content, watching videos to walking into stores, engaging with products at-shelf, and making purchases, both online and offline. Shopkick truly rewards its users for shopping anytime, anywhere.
Based in Redwood City, California, Shopkick, a Trax Company, was founded in 2009 and has grown from five people in a basement to a vibrant community of engineers, designers, product managers, content curators, and partnership managers. Shopkick is available for free in the App Store and Google Play.